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Friday, February 22, 2013

Style File Friday: The Bowtie

Bonjour my lovely followers. I have some amazing news for you. Today, I had the pleasure of meeting this lovely lady. Her name? Ms. Corey Urbina. And can I just say, that after she left, I was almost on the verge of shedding a tear. Yes, I'm an very emotional guy. But the point is, she has an amazing personally and spirit. It's people like her, that really inspire me to do great things and I can only hope that I leave a lasting impact on people I meet in the future like the one she has left on me.

Now, for the story. So there I was, standing right behind her in the Starbucks line and didn't even know it. Then, she turns around, greets me, and mentions my bowtie. I didn't really pay the comment much attention until she asked me what inspired my personal style. And thinking back on it, I realized that as a child, I hated ties of all kinds. They were the most hideous inventions and I swore I'd never wear one. Ever.

Ever lasted for about 9 years, and then one day, I was in Express, on a Wednesday afternoon with my mom. She told me that I should try a bowtie on, just to experiment. Then, the next thing I know, I'm swiping my credit card, walking out the store with a bag that somehow included a black bowtie. Random right? I know. It was at that very moment that I realize how essential a bowtie was to my wardrobe. It's amazing actually. It can take a look from casual to semi-casual, to business, to formal really. Right now, I'm rocking the classic black. But I recommend that every closest has at least three types. Black is a must. I mean, it's black. Next, a bold color. Red is classic and timeless. Blue is also a staple color and even a nice green. Lastly, the more outgoing pattern. Urban outfitters has a cheetah bowtie that will soon be incorporated into my wardrobe. If that too much for you, try a nice plaid pattern, or polka-dots in navy and white. Anyone would work. And though I'm not one to necessarily follow runway trends, the Dsquared2 show utilized the bowtie superbly. Please believe, ladies, that this post is for you too! Since women are now beginning to take the masculine look and make it their own, the bowtie is a great accessary item to have. Whether it's a casual day walking around your university campus, or an evening event in New York, a bowtie can add that extra appeal to your look. Besides, Justin Timberlake just verified the suit and tie so...yeah.

So there you have it. Another style file Friday. Hope you guys enjoyed! Until next time, stay fashionable. Xx.

*Like the idea of a cheetah print? Check out this affordable, funky accessary here!


  1. Inspired by your posting and tonight's Oscars, I've declared this Bowtie Week. Thanks for your lovely comment and creative suggestions for how to rock this wonderful accessory.

  2. Haha. Wonderful! You're welcome and it is always a pleasure.

  3. Humphrey Bogart and Frank Sinatra were dashing and stylish on screen and off-screen with their neckwear. bow ties
